Despite CBI's efforts, the Bombay High Court dismisses appeal, greenlighting the release of the controversial documentary on Sheena Bora murder case.

Netflix airs 'The Indrani Mukerjea Story: The Buried Truth' after court ruling, diving into the intrigue surrounding the high-profile murder case.

Sheena Bora's Tragic Story: Delve into the chilling details of Sheena Bora's alleged murder, a case that shook the nation back in 2012.

Indrani Mukerjea, along with her ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna and driver Shyamvar Rai, faces trial for the murder of her own daughter, Sheena Bora.

High Court's intervention postponed the documentary's release, but the final verdict allows Netflix to unveil the riveting series to the world.

Explore the shocking revelations made by Shyamvar Rai, igniting a nationwide debate and legal battle that continues to captivate audiences.

CBI expresses concerns over the documentary's potential to sway public opinion and influence judicial decisions, sparking discussions about the impact of media on legal proceedings.

Despite being accused in the heinous crime, Indrani Mukerjea, Sanjeev Khanna, and Peter Mukerjea are out on bail, raising questions about justice and accountability.

The Bombay High Court's decision to allow the documentary's release raises debates about the delicate balance between freedom of expression and the integrity of legal proceedings.