“On June 6, actress and MP Kangana Ranaut was slapped by CISF officer Kulwinder Kaur at Chandigarh airport. Kaur, angered by Ranaut’s remarks on farmer protests, was detained and suspended.”
After actress and new MP Kangana Ranaut was slapped by CISF member Jawan on Thursday, June 6, in a fit of rage, there was pandemonium everywhere.
Kulwinder Kaur, the policeman, was assigned at the airport in Chandigarh at the time of the event. As of right moment, Kulwinder is under custody, and a complaint has been filed against her.
Just two days had passed since Kangana, a Himachal Pradesh native from Mandi, was elected to the Lok Sabha. At the time, she was her route to Delhi for the NDA conference when the nasty altercation started.
Kangana Ranaut appeared to be upset with Constable Kulwinder over her remarks on the farmer protests. Yesterday, a FIR was filed against her, and she was placed on suspension.
A court of investigation into the event has also been called by the Central Industrial Security Force, which was responsible for providing security at all airports.
In a video that went viral on social media, Kulwinder is heard stating, “Farmers in Delhi were protesting because they were given Rs 100 or Rs 200, according to Kangana’s assertion. My mother was among the demonstrators at the time.”
You Can Check This Video For More Information
Kulwinder Kaur joined the CISF in 2009 and has been stationed at the Chandigarh airport since 2021 with the force’s aviation security section.
According to the officials, there hasn’t been any vigilance probe or discipline against her in the force up until now.
The spouse of Kulwinder is assigned to the identical airport.
In addition, Kangana assured her well-wishers in a video she had uploaded following the event that she was safe. She then described everything that had transpired, including her journey to the Chandigarh airport to catch her trip to Delhi.
The “Queen” star claimed to be safe and well in a video statement titled “Shocking rise in terror and violence in Punjab” that was uploaded on X shortly after her arrival in Delhi.
“She began assaulting me after striking me in the face. She told me she supported the farmer demonstrations when I questioned her about why she did it.” “Although I feel secure, I am worried about the rise in terrorism in Punjab. How do we respond to that?”
Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi saw the election of Kangana Ranaut as an MP. She arrived in Delhi and went to the Parliament House NDA meeting.
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