Following criticism, Uber Eats abruptly removed a sequence including a peanut allergy from their Super Bowl commercial.

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Uber was compelled to alter its Super Bowl LVIII commercial after users expressed displeasure with the way it made fun of those who have nut allergies.

The world’s largest brands compete every year to secure screen time for their advertisements during the Super Bowl, which is America’s biggest sporting event of the year and is watched by over 100 million people.

Uber was one of them this year, filming a minute-long commercial for its meal delivery subsidiary Uber Eats that included Victoria and David Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, and David Schwimmer, among other celebs.

However, the Super Bowl LVIII advertisement that was shown to sports fans on Sunday night was altered just a few days prior after the business was charged with trivialising those who have nut allergies.

Friends star Jennifer Aniston receives a delivery at the start of the commercial, and the person adds, “I gotta remember that. I didn’t know you could get all this stuff on Uber Eats.”

“You know what they say; to remember something, you have to forget something else,” Aniston responds.

A sequence of events in which people forget things follow. Victoria is asked by David Beckham if she was ever known as “Pepper Lady,” and Aniston forgets that she had ever co-starred with Schwimmer on Friends.

Controversially, the commercial also showed a man forgetting he was allergic to peanuts, as seen in the video above. However, this caused a public uproar, and the business removed the tape prior to the Kansas City Chiefs defeating the Philadelphia Eagles in Las Vegas during the Super Bowl.

Uber declined to comment on the revised version, but the BBC reports that the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) organisation applauded the company for agreeing to remove the scene in which the man is allergic to peanut butter.

Following a conversation with the company, Sung Poblete, the CEO of FARE, completed the edit.

She stated, “I have great news to share,” in a message posted on the group’s website on Friday.

I’ve spoken with Uber, and they have changed the advertisement that will be shown to a large audience during the Super Bowl by removing the mention of the peanut allergy. 

They are grateful for FARE’s insightful analysis and comments.This is a fantastic result. 

Uber has our gratitude for listening to our community and revising their Super Bowl advertisement. 

I think we have a new ally in assisting us in navigating our road with our sickness after speaking with them today.I would like to express my gratitude to the community for raising awareness of life-threatening food allergies by speaking up.

But not everybody was in agreement. Some viewers of the YouTube altered advertisement demanded to see the original.

“As a peanut allergy sufferer, I was not offended and thought it was hilarious,” someone commented.

The scene ought to have remained in there. “Very funny and you shouldn’t have deleted the peanut butter scene,” another person commented.

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